My housemate is pretty into chess. He occasionally used this game called Don’t Tap to practice/warm up with. There were a couple of slightly annoying things about the game so he suggested I make my own version in Godot. I ended up spending my weekend coming up with:

image tooltip here

I basically made a clone of Don’t Tap and added a bunch of different grid sizes to choose from. I also added the option to skip the countdown since that was probably the most annoying thing about the other version.

image tooltip here

I added two additional modes: Vision mode throws out chess board positions and gets you to click on them, Precision mode presents you with two pieces in random positions and gets you to capture the opposing piece.

image tooltip here image tooltip here

I probably spent too long making it look pretty but at least it looks pretty. You can try it out yourself at - source code is also there.

It was a lot of fun to make but it’s pretty hacked together so good luck if you do choose to dive in.